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eBook: Is Your Gaming Video Ad Creative PLAYing to Win?

Updated: Aug 4, 2021

eBook: PLAY to Win with Gaming Video Ad Best Practices

A proven approach to creating top-performing gaming video ads that drive app installs.

Recent trends continue to show that well-crafted, compelling video ad content is among the most powerful online advertising tools. People remember videos for longer, engage more often, and connect with the content—leading to more app installs and confidence in your brand.

Yet in a world where there are more than four billion video views each day on Facebook alone, ensuring your gaming video ad is one that stands out and drives installs, can be challenging. Truth is, the majority of gaming video ads fail. And behind every failed ad is a flawed creative strategy that overlooked some important best practices and design must-haves.

Since Kaizen Ad creates gaming video ads for all major platforms, including Facebook, YouTube, and Google Ads, we’ve drawn from our team’s amazing breadth of experience, and designed a creative concepting framework that clearly maps out everything you need to consider for winning video ads that drive game installs.

We’re calling it the Kaizen Ad PLAY Framework as it’s a fun way to divide up themes, map them out, and uncover the best-performing elements. PLAY is fully customizable and guides you swiftly through the process so you can get even more granular and develop creative you can test effectively.

Here’s a quick overview of each step:

P – Prepare your ad groups

L – List production type and tone

A – Arrange creative elements by audience

Y – You’re ready to test

Kaizen Ad’s happy customers with this approach include Big Fish Games, Outplay Entertainment, Unity Games, and Azerion. Not only can it lead to better performing ads, but it also helps to control budgets, to identify a strong mix of concepts for platforms that use machine learning, and to avoid ad fatigue.

While this process is quite simple and easy to follow, clearly there’s more to the bigger picture when it comes to developing top-performing gaming video ad creative. That’s why we’ve put together a comprehensive guide, ‘Best Practices for Gaming Video Ad Creation,’ full of tips, tricks, and a more detailed explanation of our PLAY framework.

If you’re still bogged down with ineffective strategies, depleting budgets, and video ad assets that just seem to constantly lose out, this ebook is for you. And it’s on us.

Click to read the eBook now and let us know if you have any questions.

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